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【发布日期: 2022-12-15】 【来源:数计学院 】 【作者:胡军国】 【编辑:郝璞玉】 【点击量:】










(1)骆亦其(Cornell University):Deep learning optimizes model prediction of land carbon sequestration with big data

(2)陈吉泉(Michigan State University):Evolving Data and Analysis in Ecological Studies

(3)Byungchul Tak(Kyungpook National University):A first attempt at quantifying security level of containers


(4)Natalia Stakhanova(University of Saskatchewan):security and privacy challenges of data provenance

(5)Juxin Liu(University of Saskatchewan): Bias analysis for misclassification errors in both the response variable and covariate


1.骆亦其(Yiqi Luo),男,美国康奈尔大学冠名教授,长期在生态系统对全球变化和反馈、全球碳循环及相关领域进行研究。已发表学术论文500余篇,包括在Nature、Science及其子刊、PNAS上发表论文45篇,论文被引用近6万次,H指数122。科睿唯安Web of ScienceTM高被引学者(2018-2022)。美国科学促进会(2013)、美国地球物理联合会(2016)和美国生态学会(2018)会士。

2.陈吉泉博士,杰出教授,国际著名生态学家,现任职于密歇根州立大学。美国科学促进会(AAAS)会士、美国生态学学会(ESA)会士。 陈吉泉教授长期致力于生态系统与景观生态学研究。曾任首届美国生态学会亚洲分会主席,2010-2021年担任Springer《Landscape Series》和MSU-HEP出版社《Ecosystem Science and Applications》2个丛书系列主编。主编专著13部、专刊13部。担任US-China Carbon Consortium首席科学家,Ecological Processes期刊主编。发表第一和通讯(含第二)SCI论文120多篇、累计影响因子大于360;共计发表论文500多篇,累计影响因子大于1000。Google Scholar显示文章引用38068次,H指数93。主持项目90项。1999年荣获哈佛大学Bullard Fellow奖、2004年荣获Sigma Xi奖、2006年获美国大学杰出教授荣誉称号、2011年荣获世界气象组织热尔贝奖(Norbert Gerbier-MUMM Award),2017年荣获Albert Nelson Marquis终身成就奖(Lifetime Achievement Award)。2021年荣获Fulbright Global Scholar。自2022年7月开始担任Environmental Research: Ecology期刊编委。

3.Dr. Byungchul Tak is currently an associate professor at Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Republic of Korea. Prior to KNU in 2017, he worked as a research staff member at IBM TJ Watson Research center, NY, USA for 5 years. Byungchul Tak received his PhD in computer science in 2012 from Pennsylvania State University. He received the MS degree in computer science from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea in 2003. He received the BS degree from Yonsei University, Korea in 2000. He has received the IBM PhD Fellowship, an IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, and an IBM Research Division Award. He has published his research work to venues such as USENIX ATC, SIGMETRICS, ICDCS, Middleware and ESORICS. His research interests are container security, cloud monitoring, cloud problem diagnosis, and log analytics.

4. Natalia Stakhanova is the Tier2 Canada Research Chair in Security & Privacy, and an Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. She held the New Brunswick Innovation Research Chair in Cyber Security, the University of New Brunswick, Canada from 2014 to 2018.Dr. Stakhanova’s work revolves around building secure systems and encompasses a number of areas including mobile security; software protection; and malware analysis and attribution.Natalia Stakhanova is the recipient of UNB Merit Award, McCain Young Scholar and Anita Borg Institute Faculty Awards. Working closely with industry on a variety of R&D projects, she developed a number of technologies that have been adopted by high-tech companies. Natalia currently has three patents in the field of computer security. In 2016 she was named as one the Six New Brunswick Innovators To Watch by Huddle Business media outlet. Natalia is a strong advocate of Women in IT and co-founder of CyberLaunch Academy, an initiative that aims to promote science and technology among children. For her leadership in this field, in 2017 she received the CyberNB Recognition award for promoting computer science and security among kids.

5.Juxin Liu received her PHD in Statistics from the University of British Columbia. She has been a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Saskatchewan since 2018. She was the founding director of the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute (CANSSI) Saskatchewan Health Science Collaborating Centre (2018-2022). She is the Regional representative (West Canada) for the Canada Chapter of the International Chinese Statistical Association. She is a member of the Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion for the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC).




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